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Boost Your Productivity with These Practical Habits

SUMMARY (Click here for full article and links to additional articles)

  • Batching tasks allows you to group similar tasks together and focus on them for a specific
    period of time, improving concentration and allowing you to monotask rather than multitask.
  • “Eating the frog” is a productivity hack that prioritizes the most difficult task first, leading to
    feelings of accomplishment that can carry over into the rest of the day/week.
  • Automating your attention by turning off notifications, putting your phone on silent, and using
    online scheduling helps avoid distractions.
  • Power napping for 10-20 minutes before 2pm (or 5pm for night owls) can improve cognitive
    function and boost creativity.
  • Incorporating these habits can help increase productivity and make you more efficient –
    practice proactively to see real results. (Click here for full article and links to additional articles)